Friday, May 05, 2006

Massive Hard Disk Failure

Having my hard disk die on me yesterday afternoon, the one in my work PC, is one of the worst data-related experiences I have ever had. It is a gut-wrenching emotional turmoil, as you scramble to recover your data from a dying drive. I'm still trying to recover data right now, as I write this entry, in fact.

I'm not a person who prone to feeling strong emotions, so I had to spend a couple of hours alone in my workshop last night after work, messing about with my toy soldiers and doing some tidying up, just to help me calm down. Fortunately, I have a kind and understanding wife who leaves me alone when I need to be alone, and a supportive boss who understands that these failures happen and will take a bit of work to sort it out.

I've recovered all of my essential work, and even better than that, I have recovered my collection of pictures of toy soldiers, harvested from the web over several years, so, three cheers for that, at least! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

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