Friday, May 05, 2006

Epic Armageddon - Great Game!

It has taken me a long time to get around to blogging this! I played GW's Epic Armageddon last Saturday, with a gaming buddy. What a fantastic game! Large-scale sci-fi warface at its best! Of course, it helped that my Imperial Guard force won, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed the game had I lost, too.

My main problem now is that I am obsessing about painting up Epic-scale miniatures, instead of the stuff that is on my painting table infront of me right now. Fortunately, I have nearly finished the units of Dwarves and Amazons I have been working on for some time, so I think that they will be replaced in little to no time with 6mm Space Marines. The Storm Giants chapter looks like it has a good colour scheme for painting at the Epic scale.

My one disappointment with the game is the price of Epic Armageddon miniatures in the Games Workshop online store. They seem to be massively overpriced for what they are. I know that some people have a whole beef about the price of Games Workshop miniatures in general - a beef that I don't generally share. Let me make it clear that I think that the price of their miniatures for Warhammer, WH40k, Blood Bowl, etc. is quite fair - at the top end of the market, perhaps, but fair. However, specifically in the case of Epic, I really think you need to look carefully at your pricing, guys!

In the mean, I strongly recommend ebay, for all of your Epic miniature needs.

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