Monday, March 08, 2010

Black Pyramid's Tea Wars

I first stumbled across the Tea Wars site sometime in the autumn of 2009, but there was not much on there, except background information and some shots of the greens, but no actual figures to buy yet (as I remember it, anyway!).  So I was quite surprised a couple of weeks ago when the manufacturer posted to the thread I'd started on WaMP to my online friends about the neat ideas in Tea Wars. So, knowing the Tea Wars figures are now available, I made a test order from Black Pyramid, which I received at the weekend.

I'm quite impressed with the multipart figures - they're rather better than I was expecting. I've only had time to dry-fit the parts together, but they work pretty well and having seen pics other have assembled, I'm sure they'll go together no problem at all, as soon as I find some time! They do have that slightly chunkier style which is more preferred by wargamers than some of you highly skilled fine artists on WaMP and CMON ;)  But I think they'll be a great addition to my British VSF army.

The pins on the feet are a really good idea - especially when combined with the resin bases. Saves all of that time chopping down a slotta tab into a pin! I am pretty taken with the resin bases as well, because they've got detail enough to use as they are. But equally, they're not overly decorated and have plenty of space for fitting the figure and customising the base with extra grasses or bits without being constrained by what is already there. A great balance!

I should also mention the weapon packs, which are perhaps the best bits of all. I've got a something of a bits-box collection of weapons already, but these especially the auto-rifles and the special weapons, will definitely find their way into a number of different projects in the future! :D I'll certainly be using a number of the extra special weapons I ordered with some of my other British VSF figures as I expand my forces, and maybe even with a small 40k Imperial Guard force I've got in the planning stage.

Overall, as I think you've already figured out, I'm pretty impressed and am likely to order more Black Pyramid stuff in the future!

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